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You searched for 'glyphosate'

Photo of a woman carrying an anti-GMO protest sign on her back

USDA report shows GMOs bring few benefits

They don’t increase yields, they don’t increase profit, they don’t reduce the use of toxic pesticides – what exactly are GMOs good for?

Photo of a sign warning of pesticide spraying

‘Inactive’ ingredients make pesticides more toxic

Widely used pesticides can be made even more toxic due to the combination of so-called ‘inactive’ ingredients they contain

Let the GMO circus pass us by

For health’s sake, it’s time to turn to innovative and non-toxic ways of producing food

Photo of tumours on a rat fed GMO corn

Have we been misled by Seralini’s GMO health risks study?

A scientific journal’s withdrawal of the widely publicised study by Professor GE Séralini won’t make the findings of chronic toxicitiy and tumours go away

Illustration of gluten-free claims on food

New report links gluten disorders to GMOs

Why are so many people becoming sensitive to gluten in their diets? A new US report suggests pesticides used on GM foods may be to blame.

When ‘inactive ingredients’ aren’t so inactive

The myth of the ‘inert’ ingredient is one of Big Pharma’s biggest lies

Are you eating ‘pesticide plants’?

GM plants absorb more of the pesticides we use on them – how can THAT be safe to eat?

UK government is singing from biotech’s hymn sheet

Why is the UK government trying to adopt GM when the rest of the world is trying to get rid of it?

Photo of a bottle of glyphosate week killer

GM pesticide linked to breast cancer as residues found in people across Europe

New research shows that glyphosate, sold commercially as Roundup, can trigger the growth of human breast cancer cells

Photo of a wheat field

EU approval of Monsanto’s Roundup ‘based on bad science’

A combination of regulatory failures and bad science means we’re getting a dose of Monsanto’s toxic Roundup in our daily bread

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