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You searched for 'glyphosate'

Letter from America logo

Living with GMOs – A Letter from America

A powerfully written plea from US citizens to citizens in the UK and the rest of Europe to avoid planting – and eating – GMOs.

photo of a woman in her bra

Minimising your risk of breast cancer

Testing can detect cancer but can’t prevent it. If prevention is what you seek consider these helpful suggestions for lifestyle and diet

Is Roundup killing our honeybees?

Evidence is growing of a link between the world’s most widely used herbicide – Roundup – and Colony Collapse Disorder in bees. Is there a human health threat too?

Going with your gut

Clean up your diet, clean up your gut, clean up your health

photo of sperm and an egg

Roundup herbicide damages sperm

Exposure to even low doses of Roundup – the herbicide used widely on GM crops – has the potential to damage fertility in men

Q&A: Why should I worry about non-food GMOs?

It’s a question that needs to be asked: if you don’t eat them are GMOs OK? The answer is definitely NO!

The dose doesn’t make the poison

When it comes to hormone disrupters, small amounts have big effects

Photo of an infant drinking from a bottle

Increased seizure risk in autistic children – is there a GMO link?

Around 95% of US soya is genetically modified. Now researchers say that this soya used in infant formula may increase seizures in autistic children

Photo of a mum and baby

GMO herbicide found in breast milk of American women

Samples of breastmilk taken from volunteers in America has shown that some contain the herbicide glyphosate – what does this mean?

How “extreme levels” of Roundup in food became the industry norm

How have we come to a place where there is more of Monsanto’s Roundup in our food than there are essential nutrients?

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