Natural News Archive

News articles sorted by date

Resveratrol shows potential as Alzheimer’s treatment

Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in foods such as red grapes, raspberries, dark chocolate and some red wines, shows promise as a way of treating Alzheimer’s say US scientists.

21 September, 2015

Eat fish to help curb depression risk

An international study has found that Europeans seem to benefit most, in terms of mental health, from a high fish diet.

16 September, 2015

Diet soda drinkers eat more high calorie foods

New research shows that diet soda drinkers compensate by regularly including more high calorie foods in their daily diets

14 September, 2015

Court rules EPA must withdraw neonic approval

A US federal appeals court has ordered the EPA to withdraw approval for a bee-harming neonic insecticide, sulfoxaflor.

14 September, 2015

Supplement with carotenoids to improve eye health

Regular long-term supplementation with carotenoids can lead to measurable improvement in eye health, according to new research.

10 September, 2015

Marital arguments trigger ‘hunger hormone’ release

A turbulent marriage can trigger higher levels of appetite-triggering hormones in both men and women, leading to greater hunger and poor food choices

9 September, 2015

Vitamin C as good as exercise for the heart?

Supplementing with vitamin C each day could be as effective as walking for improving heart health in obese people, a new study has found.

7 September, 2015

Plant more trees in the city to reduce pollution

Trees in cities throughout the UK could be significantly improving the quality of the air we breathe by decreasing pollution levels for pedestrians.

7 September, 2015

Magnesium supplement aids blood sugar control

Adequate daily magnesium can help normalise blood sugar levels and produce other health benefits in prediabetics, according to a new study.

4 September, 2015

How sadness changes our perception of colour

Does the world seem grey? Are you feeling blue? New research suggests that sadness may actually affect the way we perceive certain colours.

4 September, 2015