Natural News Archive

News articles sorted by date

Common food additive could raise the risk of diabetes and obesity

A food ingredient widely used in baked goods, animal feeds and artificial flavorings, appears to increase levels of several hormones that are associated with risk of obesity and diabetes, according to new research.

25 April, 2019

Childhood asthma and inflammation – the role of dietary fatty acids

New research demonstrates that dietary omega-3 and omega-6 may have opposite effects on the severity of asthma in children exposed to indoor air pollution.

3 April, 2019

Berberine/silymarin combo supports cardiometabolic health

Taking a combination of the herbal remedies berberine and silymarin can improve blood lipid levels and fasting blood sugar levels, says a new meta-anaylsis.

21 March, 2019

Blueberry antioxidants help lower blood pressure

Blueberries contain antioxidant pigments called anthocyanins which can help maintain vascular health and lower blood pressure.

11 March, 2019

Get more B vitamins to protect your brain

A new study has highlighted the role of B-group vitamins in reducing oxidative stress and maintaining brain health in adults.

11 March, 2019

Get fit for a healthy gut

New research is helping to build a picture of how connected our body systems are and provide information that can lead to more holistic approaches to managing health and wellbeing.

20 February, 2019

Losing weight could ease symptoms of depression

Adopting a healthier diet and losing weight can help improve symptoms of depression, especially in women, according to a new analysis.

20 February, 2019

Depression’s link to gut bacteria

A large scale human trial has shown that the type and diversity of bacteria in the gut can have a profound effect on levels of depression.

6 February, 2019

Vitamin K may have a role in eye health, new research

A new study suggests getting more vitamin K could help improve eye health as we age, by boosting micro-circulation in eye tissue.

24 January, 2019

European soils contain a cocktail of pesticide residues

A new Europe-wide survey shows that the soil used to produce our food is contaminated with a cocktail of pesticides and, the researchers add, their findings may under-represent the scale of the problem.

23 January, 2019