
Plant diversity leads to more carbon stored in the soil

New research suggests that by restoring biodiversity, for instance with regenerative farming, we can vastly enhance the soil’s potential to store carbon – and fight climate change.

Honeybees hog the limelight, yet wild insects are the most important and vulnerable pollinators

While much of our conservation effort – and media attention – is focused on the honeybee, other pollinators urgently need our protection as well.

Spotlight on UK food contamination

We think of it as a healthy meat but recent government surveys show rising levels of pesticide contamination as well as record levels of campylobacter in British chicken.

How organic farming can help beat climate change

A major new study shows how organic agricultural practices build healthy soils and can be part of the solution in the fight on global warming.

photo of an empty plate

How the people can outwit the global domination plans of agribusiness

Rumours of a ‘foodpocalypse’ are greatly exaggerated and are being used to prop up a destructive food system that produces bland, industrialised, pesticide-laden, GMO food. Just say no!

Photo of a monoculture field being harvested

The global diet: more calories, less diversity, more risks

Agricultural monocultures – and the dietary monocultures that result from them – are leading us down the path to global food poverty and ill health

Why should we care about ‘True-Cost Accounting’ in our food?

We need to start accounting for all the additional costs and benefits associated with food production and farming that we don’t pay for when we buy our food + COMPETITION

Photo of hands holding heritage seeds

Saving seeds, securing the future

Farmers’ and gardeners’ right to save and swap seeds is the source of future biodiversity and a resilient food system.

Photo of a chicken in a cge

Why is the government ignoring the role of livestock in antibiotic resistance?

The government’s ‘ticking timebomb’ of antibiotic resistance warning this week has a fatal flaw – it ignores the widespread use of antibiotics in farm animals

Photo of pigs in a cage

The outrageous cost of factory farmed meat

Factory farmed meat threatens human health, the environment and the welfare of farm animals. It’s time to reject it