Photo of a broom on bare floorboards
Time to sweep away all the unnecessary clutter from your diary

Change your life: Clearing the decks

21 July, 2014

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve taken so much on that you feel completely swamped and don’t know where to start?

If this feels familiar, here’s a tip that might help you to take back control:

1. Make a list of all the things you’re currently doing – all the activities, projects, hobbies etc.

2. Mentally ‘clear the decks’ – in other words, assume that you no longer have to do any of these things. Your diary is totally empty – your time is 100% your own.

Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” — Virginia Satir

3. Then choose those activities that you want to put back on the list. Think very carefully. Be ruthless. Be highly selective.

Be sure that you only put back those activities that you feel genuinely enthusiastic about. Examine carefully those things you think you should or ought to do (see Beware the ‘shoulds’).

There may be some things you feel you have to put back, but wish you didn’t. Listen carefully to that and ask yourself:

“Are these activities ones that I might want to drop or to delegate?”

Clearing the decks is a great way to eliminate ‘shoulds’ and to help you make conscious choices about how you want to spend your precious time.


  • Annabel Sutton is a Professional Certified Coach and Author.  She has lived in Los Angeles and Indonesia; survived earthquakes and riots, lived with head-hunters and enjoyed a portfolio career.  She now enjoys a somewhat quieter life in Somerset!  Her latest book, 52 Ways to Transform Your Life (Weekly Wisdom for Busy People), contains 52 inspiring, quick-to-read life tips and is available from . Find more information at