Natural News Archive

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May 2019

Poor sleep quality link to peptic ulcer relapse

Other factors besides the bacteria H. pylori could cause peptic ulcer recurrence and, according to new research, lack of quality sleep is chief among these.

24 May, 2019

Sunscreen chemicals easily absorbed into the bloodstream

With regular use the chemicals in your sunscreen can be absorbed into the bloodstream at levels high enough to raise health concerns.

9 May, 2019

Elderberry compounds help minimise flu symptoms

New evidence shows how active compounds in elderberries strengthen immune response and act directly on the flu virus to keep it from infecting human cells.

5 May, 2019

Acupressure relieves long-term symptoms of breast cancer treatment

Acupressure could be a low-cost, at-home solution to a suite of persistent side effects that linger after breast cancer treatment ends, say US researchers.

5 May, 2019